Welcome to BioScience Forum
BioScience Forum Mission:
To provide high-quality educational and networking opportunities for life science professionals.
Is it possible to accelerate the speed of drug discovery while simultaneously enhancing decision-making in clinical development?
Join us for our first event of the year on February 19th where Philip Tagari, Chief Scientific Officer at insitro, will explain how insitro is applying machine learning and generative AI to integrated datasets to identify causal intervention points in metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases like ALS, MASLD and obesity, rapidly advancing the discovery of novel therapeutics.
Click here for the abstract and bio
Machine Learning for Therapeutic Discovery
by Philip Tagari
Chief Scientific Officer, insitro
FEB 19, 2025 :: 5-8 pm
5:00 - 6:00 - Drinks and networking
6:00 - 7:00 - Dinner
7:00 - 8:00 - Presentation
@The Chandlery
1200 Sierra Point Pkwy, Suite 100A
Brisbane, CA 94005
$65 General Registration (+service fee)
$45 Discounted rate for Students / Members between Jobs (+service fee)
Countdown to our February Event
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